Want to make a foam board poster that is easy for people to notice? Or maybe you want to make an effective foam board poster? So, to help you make posters that are effective and easy for people to see, you need to know first about a few things that cannot make your poster effective. Here are a few of them!
1. Your Foam Board Poster Design Is Too Much!
Sometimes, people think that a colourful or complicated design will make their foam board poster function effectively. However, that is not entirely true. Colourful and complicated designs are great! But if you make too much of it, then you might get the opposite result, and that’s not good enough. It’s okay to make a poster with a colourful and complicated design, but you need to be careful when it becomes too much. That won’t get you an effective poster. So, keep a balance, because something that too much is not good enough.
2. Too Much Text Information
Your foam board poster will be hard to be noticed by people if there is too much text information on it. And that is one of the things that can make your poster ineffective. Basically, people are more interested and remember something that is explained with images rather than text. Because of that, it’s best to limit the text information on your foam board posters. Only essentials or vital text information that you should put on the poster, and the rest of it you can fill with something like an image or visual design.
3. Have No Goals and Target Audience
Now, we are talking about two things that are correlated with each other. Both of these things are about the goal and the target audience. These two things are sometimes overlooked or forgotten by many people. But in reality, to have an effective foam board poster, you need to define your goal and target audience. By having a goal, you can visualize what you need to do when creating a poster and who your target audience will be. But what is the target audience? They are a specific group of people who will be interested in or suited with your information or offer on the poster, and you need to get your poster noticed by them! Without knowing the goals and target audience, it will be difficult for people to plan for their poster. As a result, that can leave them confused about what they really want to do with their poster.
4. Print the Poster in the Wrong Place
To make your foam board posters effective, you can’t deny the fact that print quality determines what your poster looks like! Some people only focus on finding a printing service that offers the lowest prices to save their money without thinking about quality. Actually, you are free to decide whether you will concern about the price, quality, or both of them. However, without considering the quality, you might end up with a poster that doesn’t live up to your expectations, and may get poor results. So, even though you only focus on finding the cheapest printing service, you also need to consider a foam board printing service that also offers quality prints for you.